We have just entered into the new year of 2013. The unknown and unexpected will occur into our lives again January is the month of the Full Wolf Moon. It appeared when wolves howled in hunger outside the villages. It is also known as the Old Moon. To some Native American tribes, this was the Snow Moon, but most applied that name to the next full Moon, in February This is the month of wolves and we are calling each and everyone of you to pack with us into the night of the Full Wolf Moon, to join together our energies of love and howler with the wolves We will howler in hunger for the love we want to share with the entire world. We want to see this world we live in expressing itself in love and only thru love We are brothers & sisters with the Wolves! We are Love! We give Love unconditionally. We howler for Love. Two Stages for the Wolves and their Friends <<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ۞ Djane Balaura ۞ 21:00<->23:00 ۞ ۞ Option Zero ۞ 23:00<->01:00 ۞ http://www.mixcloud.com/OptionZer0/ http://www.facebook.com/cosmin.pred... ۞ AJNA VITAMIN ۞ 01:00 <-> 03:00 ۞ [Jellyfish Frequency Recordings] [Sun Moons Events] http://www.psyonic.ro/index.php/ajn... http://jellyfishfrequency.com/Artis... http://soundcloud.com/gedacu ۞ Vickerness (Spacesheep)۞ 03:00 <-> 05:00 ۞ http://soundcloud.com/ http://www.facebook.com/ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>> Live Jam Session ۞ Planul ۞ + ۞ Dalto ۞ 10:00<->01:00 ۞ [Amagama - ro] http://facebook.com/planul1 http://www.mixcloud.com/Planul/ http://amagamart.blogspot.ro/ ۞Sleepartha۞ + FLUTES 01:00<->End http://www.mixcloud.com/Sleepartha/ http://www.facebook.com/Druid.Gonzo <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sun&Moons Events http://www.facebook.com/sunmoon.sun... Larry Events Ltd http://www.facebook.com/larryevents Dragonz Family (Visionary Boutique & Spiritual Label) http://www.facebook.com/DragonzDesi... Bilet: 10 lei --->ora 00:00--->15 lei

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