Rebirth of the Sun @ Green Hours

Vineri, 8 Aprilie ora 22:00
@ Green Hours (Calea Victoriei 120 - Bucuresti)

22:00- 23:00
Lansare scurtmetraj: 

“Un anume Victor” - Regia: Ciprian Baciu
dupa o poveste de Hermann Hesse
Actori: Tudor Aaron Istodor, Eduard Haris
Povestitor: Vlad Craioveanu

Main Stage:

Latam [Thrancians| Buc]
Barbaleku [Antiscarp| Buc]
DiMiTrip [Spacesheep| Buc]
Alphaspiral [Naturalgoritm| Buc]
Nairam Naoi [Dreamtime| Bv]
Mr. Disko [Buc]

Chill Out Stage:

Logical Elements [Mind Tweakers Records| Is]
eleMental Sounds [Samsara Crew| Cj]
PLANUL [Amagama Arts| Buc]
Dr. Gonzo [SunMoon| Buc]
Option Zero [Buc]

+ live instruments


 Support: 10 lei

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